Male enhancement pills chart made by consumers

#1 pill
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87 61%


34 24%


21 15%
$ 24.95 - 1 bottle
$ 44.96 - 2 bottles
$ 89.9 - 5 bottles
#1 pill today
(293 votes)
Success rate: 91 %
First results: 30 days
Max results: 150 days
Approved by: Walter Slawski, Ph.D., D.H.S.
Expert rating: 10/10
Discreet packaging: Yes
Support 24/7: Yes
International shipping: DHL $16.99
Ordering method: Online only
Payment method: Credit card
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Walter Slawski, Ph.D., D.H.S.
Detailed review of Foligen

Sexologist, American College of Sexologists, Clinical Sexology



Regardless of the outbreak of millions people problem, it is necessary to find an effective remedy that not only stops hair loss but also prevents the development of more serious consequences, which is baldness.


Foligen is a remedy made of plant-based components. The action of the bio supplement is aimed at the resumption of hair growth, as well as preventing hair loss and alopecia. The structure of the hair becomes firm and thick, which together contributes to its luxuriant fullness.



Benefits of Using Foligen



 Let’s denote some positive qualities that the consumer gets in the process of buying and taking the remedy:


    • Complex effect, aimed at improving the condition of the hair;

    • Prevention of hair loss and alopecia;

    • Natural plant-based composition that does not cause adverse reactions;

    • Democratic cost;

    • 100% efficiency when used correctly and systematically.


Foligen Formula



 Among the huge number of active ingredients of the nutritional supplement Foligen, we distinguish the main components:


    • Biotin, which is also called vitamin B7. It contains an incredibly large list of nutrients. The impact of biotin is aimed at normalization of the metabolic, nervous and digestive processes of the body. However, the main advantage of B7 is the improvement of quality, strength, and general condition of hair and nails.

    • Fallopia multiflora stimulates hair growth.

    • Lack of folic acid contributes to a premature and rapid process of alopecia.


Why is Foligen Recommended for All Consumers?



Foligen Formula


Food supplement Foligen is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of problems associated with hair loss. Once you notice the first signs of baldness, you should immediately start using an effective and safe remedy that helps you get the best result. Hair becomes thicker and healthier, and the intensity of its growth increases several times.



How Long Does it Take to Wait for Positive Results?



In this issue, everything depends on the physiological characteristics of the body, as well as the complexity of the disease.


It is recommended to use Foligen for at least three months.



Warranty and Delivery



Foligen is a certified product that has a patented formula. It is this feature that is the primary guarantee of the effectiveness and quality of the product. Delivery of Foligen is carried out in any locality of the world.



Comparison of Competitors' Features



One of the main distinguishing features of the Foligen, which makes a difference from most analogs, is the obtaining 100% quick result, which effect persists throughout life.


$ 24.95 - 1 bottle
$ 44.96 - 2 bottles
$ 89.9 - 5 bottles
Can be shipped to Ukraine


87 61%


34 24%


21 15%
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